Sunday my husband and I returned to Germany from our east coast trip. It was amazing!
And I met my lovely crit partners!
Here are a few pics:

My crit partner Tracy and I! We met at a baseball game. Tracy invited me! She's lovely like that!

From right to left: Shari ( my crit partner and fellow Apocalypsies member, her book Mystique hits the shelves next year ), Leanna Renee Hieber ( also an Apocalypsies member, her book Darker Still hits the shelves this November) and I. We met in New York during a Teen Author Reading.

I - looking at the breakfast menu of our hotel in Newport.

The beach in front of our hotel.

The bed in our hotel room.

My husband (he's sitting in that pic. He's usually more than a head taller than and I at the end of the baseball game. Orioles vs. Cardinals. That's Camden Yards in the background. The game was fun, though my husband and I don't know anything about baseball. I'm not even sure if it's being played in Germany.

Dinner with the White House in the background! (that illuminated little building in the background.)

Me again in Washington.

On top of the Empire State building!

I think you all know what that is behind me!
So much fun!!!
Great pictures! Looks like you had an awesome trip.
Hey, some weird French lady is standing behind you in that last picture. What fun meeting your CPs!
OMG, I'm sooo slow. It took me forever to understand what you meant with weird French lady. LOL
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