Isn't that exciting?? I grinned like a maniac when I saw it!
Here's the scan of the Bookseller page!

And you can even catch a glimpse of the cover!!! (see it there beside Wither??)
The big reveal of the final cover will be soon! So stay tuned. I can't wait to show it to you!
And that red butterfly? Isn't it perfect for business cards and other earrings or, you know, a necklace?
And that red butterfly? Isn't it perfect for business cards and other earrings or, you know, a necklace?
Hehe. So you see. I simply had to browse the internet for jewelry with butterflies after I saw the first draft of the cover. I might even have bought blood-red nailpolish.
You know what all this means? We're getting closer to The Other Life's release and soon there'll be ARCs and that means contests in the near future!
So watch this blog if you want to win ARCs of The Other Life!