I couldn't resist...once again. I think I might be addicted to books. I can't help it. Here's the result of my two latest shopping sprees:

I bought Timeless, Warped and Across the Universe about two weeks ago. Because of my ridiculous to read pile I haven't even found the time to read them yet!
But that didn't stop me from buying even more books!
The Lightning Thief
A Northern Light
Raised by Wolves
Plain Kate
A Certain Slant of Slight
Shadow Hills
Tell me a secret
The Ghost and the Goth
The Tension of Opposites
Perfect Chemistry
arrived today. So many great books. And the cover of A Certain Slant of Light is deliciously creepy.
I started XVI by Julia Karr from my to-read pile yesterday but I've got no clue what to read after that.
Did you read any of the books I bought? Any favorites?